Monday, October 10, 2011

Wow it has been awhile!

So it is about time that I update this blog don't ya think. I have not been able to get my camera to work and had no time to figure out what to do to instead. Then it hit me MY PHONE! So I am going to play catch up here.

I have noticed that my picture shy son has managed to escape the blog so far. So here he is showing us his great smile! Yes that is corn what a weirdo! :-)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Disney money for Brithday's

Ok so to all of you that have sent the kids money for Disney we decided to get them a swingset instead. We figured that they would get so much more use and the memories are endless. They all play on it everyday! We have all of the neighborhood kids hangen out on it too. Here are some pics of them playing on it. Ella took all of the pictures that she is not in. She is quite the photographer!

Progress with the Garden

We planted the garlic last week and it is starting to come up! It is so exciting to see how fast it will grow when we have thunderstorms to help it along. Ella also painted some flowers, grass and butterflies to make the garden more cheerful. We are having so much fun with this tiny little garden we have. We can not wait until Brycen gets home to help.

Ella's Swim Meet

Ella had a swim meet this Saturday and she did great! She was in the relay, freestyle and backstroke. She came in 2nd on all of them! This is a picture of her at the finish line in the freestyle and doing the backstroke. She is loving swim and we are so happy to find something that she enjoys.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So of course we had to plant a garden at our new house. We will keep you all informed on what we planting and how it s going. This is a family effort so the kids are so excited. We have planted lettuce, onion, garlic and strawberries so far. These are pics of the process. As you will see in the pics we had some help. Our friends Tim and Luke came to help along with the neighborhood kids. We also used the garbage can cleaned out because who wants to buy a wheelbarrow, NOT us! :)

Ella's new glasses

So there are going to be a ton of new posts so that we can catch you all up quickly. :) Ella had to get new glasses last week. She is nearsighted in her left eye and has astigmatism. She only has to wear them at school or when she is reading something far away for now. She is so cute in them!

Why a Blog?

I have been thinking of a way that we can keep you all informed on what we are up to with out having to spend all day on the phone. We are all so busy and every time we talk there are kids tugging on our legs and dinner burning on the stove. :) I thought if I set up this blog we can keep you all informed on your time. Love you all!